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3D Printing new forms

Well, I’ve bought a 3D printer, and have started to create forms for a new collection of work. Primarily made on my jigger jolly machine. I wanted to keep some of the artefacts, or process marks, from the printing process.

I’ve been using Fusion 360, which is Autodesks’ next iteration of what they used to call Inventor. It is available for free for start ups and business under a certain turnover, which I fit in. I used Autodesk Inventor quite a bit during my time as technician in Design Technology at Edinburgh Academy. The price of the printers have come down to where they are the same price as a good cordless drill.

I wanted to start printing a small cup, and a mug, and start to introduce different sealing solutions for ceramics. The first, which I have some experience with, was the swing top ‘Grolsh’ style beer bottle cap. I had done a previous project using this idea with less success because of the material I used. The next is a screw thread for bottles and jars. There is historical precedent with ceramic hot water bottles and other Victorian pots. I wanted to take these further by exploring pots reused at package free shops, and in the kitchen.

The swing top and cap have been used a lot by myself and other potters. I thought it was important in making it myself was the wire cage and cap that matched the pots glaze. I Am waiting on plaster, but once it arrives, I’ll be full speed ahead.

Mould making for the swing top cap.